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Independent Full Service Agency

Thank you for helping us gain insight.

The below survey is to help develop insight into the 180-lot residential and 250 lifestyle land lease development located in Cowaramup, WA.

Cowaramup Land Estate Brand Survey


Product & Competition

  • Cowaramup Estate - Goldfields Group - 243 New Homes
  • The Hideaway Estate - Cowaramup 39 Exclusive Large Lots
  • Parkwater Estate - The Grove Larger Native Bushland Block
  • Symphony Waters - Stage 4 Beautiful Lake - Large Homesite
  • Vasse Estate
  • Innovation
  • Sustainability
  • Proximity to town
  • Proximity to school
  • Proximity to coastal life
  • Proximity to vineyards
  • Natural features
  • Masterplan community
  • Affordability
  • Bigger block size
  • Integration of Over 55s community

Early Thoughts About Brand

Do you have any early thoughts about the direction for the estate name, look and feel?
If you have had ideas about the brand direction, select 2 colours below that you feel best represents the brand.
Brand Font - Select 1 font that you feel best represents the brand.

Final Thoughts

If so, can you expand on what you admire about them.
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